Mac Os Big Sur Unsupported

MacOS 11 Big Sur is an advanced Macintosh operating system that you can install on your Mac. It has got tons of new features to enhance the user experience, like making safari browser 50% faster, new features of messages, Air Pods improvements, new-design sidebar in mail and photos, widgets in the notification bar, and many more. Once done, reboot your Mac. Install future macOS Big Sur updates on unsupported Macs. Whenever there is an update for macOS Big Sur, instead of updating using Software Update in System Preferences.

  1. Os X Big Sur Unsupported Mac
  2. Mac Os Big Sur Unsupported
  3. Big Sur On Unsupported
  4. Mac Os Big Sur Unsupported Mac Github
  5. Mac Os Big Sur Compatibility

[UPDATE: Patched Sur GitHub is down] Do you want to install macOS Big Sur on your 2012 or 2013 Mac? I will show you the easiest way to do it! This video is a step-by-step tutorial on how to use Patched Sur a macOS Big Sur patcher to create a USB Patched Installer and use it to upgrade macOS Catalina to Big Sur.

How to update Patched Sur from 11.2.3, 11.3, 11.3.1, 11.4 or 11.5 to 11.5.2

UPDATE!!!! – How to update your unsupported patched Mac to the latest version of macOS Big Sur with Patched Sur 1.0 with one click!

DISCLAIMER: Please understand that installing macOS Big Sur on your unsupported Mac is a best effort by the community. A ton of work went into getting the patcher to work! Some things might not work exactly right but it’s really really close. I would not recommend installing on a system that you count on for work or school. ALWAYS BACKUP YOUR FILES FIRST BEFORE YOU UPGRADE! Also note that certain features like sealed OS Snapshots are disabled. This is the only way to make the patcher work right now. The good news is that you are getting the latest security fixes from Apple. Some might argue that upgrading to Patched Big Sur makes your Mac safer since Apple is no longer fixing security issues on macOS High Sierra and below. Thank you!

Supported Macs with Metal Graphics Acceleration
* 2012 MacBook Air
* 2012 MacBook Pro
* 2013 Early MacBook Pro
* 2012 Mac Mini
* 2012 iMac
* 2013 iMac

Os X Big Sur Unsupported Mac

Part 1 – Everything you need to know before Installing Patched Big Sur on your Unsupported Mac
Part 2 – How to Install macOS Big Sur on an Unsupported Mac with Big Sur Patcher

Part 3 – How to Install macOS Big Sur on an Unsupported Mac with Big-Sur-micropatcher Download killer bean unleashed mod apk 2016.

Part 4 – How to Install Updates on your Big Sur Patched Mac – Everything you need to know!

Part 5 – How to update your unsupported patched Mac to the latest version of macOS Big Sur with Patched Sur 1.0 with one click!

Part 6 – Big Sur on an Unsupported Mac w OpenCore Legacy Patcher 2008-2011 Graphics Acceleration!!! –

A big hat tip goes out to Ben Sova (Patched Sur), Barry K. Nathan (Big Sur Micropatcher) and everyone who worked on all the Big Sur Patcher projects!

Patched Sur – a macOS Big Sur patcher for unsupported Macs.

Patched Sur – Downloads Page

macOS Big Sur 11.5.1 Update Article

Direct Download Link to the macOS Big Sur InstallAssistant.pkg for macOS Big Sur final/production version.

Big Sur MicroPatcher – A macOS Big Sur Patcher

BigMac – Big Sur macOS 11 Mac Pro patcher for Mac Pro Towers

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Mac Transition to Apple Silicon Everything you need to know!


New Article How to reinstall macOS on your Apple Silicon Mac

How to boot your Apple Silicon Mac into DFU mode + Restore macOS with Apple Configurator 2.

Mac Os Big Sur Unsupported


macOS ISPW Firmware Database – Download Full macOS ISPW Files!

MacOS Big Sur Index of need to know changes! (UPDATED)

macOS System Status (Issues) – OS, Xprotect & App Version Database

Subscribe to “The Apple Ninja’s” YouTube! If it wasn’t for him, I would not even be on YouTube today. Thank you!!!

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UnsupportedImportant Notes:
  • Using APFS is REQUIRED in Mojave in order to receive system updates via the normal Software Update method. If you choose to continue using macOS Extended (Journaled) as your filesystem type, you will NOT receive System Updates via System Preferences. If you are not using APFS, you can follow the 10.14.1 installation steps below.

  • After applying ANY system update via Software Update, re-applying post-install patches using your Mojave Patcher installer volume will most likely be necessary. If you install a software update and the system fails to boot afterwards, this is what needs to be done.


10.14.6 can be updated normally via Software Update if using an APFS volume, and will need to be patched using an installer volume created with Mojave Patcher version 1.3.2 or later after installing.

Mac os big sur unsupported10.14.5

10.14.5 can be updated normally via Software Update if using an APFS volume, and will need to be patched using an installer volume created with Mojave Patcher version 1.3.1 or later after installing.

Mac Os Big Sur Unsupported10.14.4

10.14.4 adds new changes that ARE NOT patchable by the post-install tool of Mojave Patcher v1.2.3 and older! Before updating to 10.14.4, you you will need to use the latest Mojave Patcher version to create a new installer volume, using the 10.14.4 installer app. Then, update to 10.14.4, either by installing via Software Update, or by just using the installer volume you've created to install.

Big Sur On Unsupported


If you are currently running 10.14.1 or 10.14.2, you can simply use the Software Update pane of System Preferences (if using APFS) to apply the 10.14.3 update. Once the update is installed, you will most likely need to re-apply post-install patches to get the system to boot again. This process is detailed in steps 8 - 10 above. If you are currently running 10.14.0, you'll need to proceed with the 10.14.1 update method described below.


If you are currently running 10.14.1, you can simply use the Software Update pane of System Preferences (if using APFS) to apply the 10.14.2 update. Once the update is installed, you will most likely need to re-apply post-install patches to get the system to boot again. This process is detailed in steps 8 - 10 above. If you are currently running 10.14.0, or are using a non-AFPS volume, you'll need to proceed with the 10.14.1 update method described below.

Mac Os Big Sur Unsupported Mac Github

10.14.1/macOS Extended (Journaled) volumes

The Mojave 10.14.1 update does NOT install properly on unsupported machines, and could result in an unbootable OS. If you want to install the 10.14.1 update (and are not currently running 10.14.1), perform the following steps:
• Download the latest version of Mojave Patcher
• Download the installer using the Tools menu of Mojave Patcher
• Create a patched USB installer
• Boot from that, and install 10.14.1 onto the volume containing an older release.
• Once done, apply the post-install patches, and you should now be on 10.14.1.

Mac Os Big Sur Compatibility